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Employee Performance Bundle | Promote Employee Growth & Personal Development With This Reusable Employee Performance Review and Write Up Set
Employee Performance Bundle | Promote Employee Growth & Personal Development With This Reusable Employee Performance Review and Write Up Set
This minimalist Employee Performance Set includes: 1 Employee Disciplinary /Write Up Form AND 1 Employee Review & Self Appraisal Form that will help any HR department, small business owner, non-profit organization, or large corporation evaluate how well employees perform their job duties and where employees can improve to more closely align with a companies overall mission. Holding frequent job reviews and enforcing company policies with Disciplinary action allows for open dialogue about expectations and work goals. If done properly, these open dialogue discussions on performance can lead to a more motivated and dedicated workforce.
1) Employee Disciplinary / Write Up Form as a PDF file that will be ready to print and use immediately.
2) Employee Disciplinary / Write Up Form as a Microsoft Word Document that can be edited to your liking.
3) Employee Review & Self Appraisal Form as a PDF file that will be ready to print and use immediately.
4) Employee Review & Self Appraisal Form as a Microsoft Word Document that can be edited to your liking.
1) An Employee Information Section - to enter employee name, position, review date, type of review, pay raise info, etc.
2) Performance chart - which defines the standard for employee rating: from Outstanding Performance --- Unsatisfactory performance
3) Employee Self Evaluation - which defines work performance categories, and descriptions, and allows the employee to rate their own performance
4) Reviewer Evaluation of Employee performance - which allows the supervisor/reviewer to rate employees' performance and offer feedback on how to improve
5) Employee Development Plan - where employees can enter what changes they will make and provide a deadline for when needs should be met
6) Signature Authorization Section - for employee, reviewer, and payroll department to sign.
1) Employee Name,
2( Employee Position
3 Employee Department
4) Warning Date,
5) Type of Warning (First Warning, Second Warning, Final Warning)
6) Reasons for Warning (tardiness/leaving early, absenteeism, performance, conduct, Insubordination, Breach of Company Policy, Work Quantity or Quality, Damage or Theft of Company Property, violation of Safety Rules, Other)
7) Description of Violation
8) Plan for Improvement
9) Employee Signature & Date
10) Supervisor Signature & Date
Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) for PDF file OR you can use (free) OR Microsoft Word
1. Add to Cart and complete the Check-out process
2. After check-out you'll be able to immediately download the PDF file && Microsoft Word Document
3. You can open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can use to edit your files for free.
4. A Microsoft Word file is attached for those who plan to use Microsoft Word for editing any section of this template.
4. Print off as many as you need.
5. Reach out to us if you have any questions or issues
This is a digital product, and no physical product or printed material will be sent to you. Just bits and bytes.
Designs are copyrighted by ReviveWorking. Use the template as much as you want, but do not resell this product.
Due to the nature of the product, there are no returns, but we will be happy to work with you on whatever issue you're having.
(Employee Performance Appraisal, Employee Performance Review, Employee Promotion Review, Employee Self Assessment, Employee Self Appraisal, Employee Company Policy, Employee, Employee Self Evaluation, Employee Self Assessment, Employee Demotion Template, Employee Job Duties Review, HR Templates, HR printable, Payroll Forms, Small Business Templates, Employee Discipline Forms, Employee Write Up Forms, Employee Violations, Human Resource Logs, Absence Report Log, Employee Evaluations, Employee Assessment, Onboarding Checklist, Employee Training, Employee Termination Checklist, Dress Code Policy)